Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do More Shared Writing

Shared writing has been very scary to me in the past. After reading the last 5 pages of this 40 page chapter, I feel a little better about shared writing at the 5th grade level. Most of what she talks about seems very early elementary, and I was unsure of how I could implement it in my classroom. Her outline of a fifth grade shared writing experience was very helpful. I took what I had learned about shared writing and did free verse poetry with my class today. They didn't really let me just demonstrate it. They wanted to be a part of it, so we did two poems together; one that I initiated and one that they collaboratively created. It was great! Most of them (with the exception of 2) were very eager to write, and the majority of them did a great job. It was interesting that some began to write narratives within their poetry, but I focused only on the good aspects of their writing and refused to dishearten them. Even a kid who is usually in the resource room for writing did a great job. I probably didn't teach free verse poetry the way it should be taught, but here is my morning class's poem:

Peanut Butter

Thick and creamy,
Stuck to the roof of my mouth,
It's astonishing, salty, nougaty sweetness,
Jiffy is the only kind I crave.

My afternoon class's:

The Golden Wheat State are we.
Wheat, wheat, wheat,
And the bright orange-yellow sunflowers
Swaying in the cool gentle breeze of Autumn.
A prairie is our home sweet home.


Mrs. Babcock said...


Notice that I added 's to class. That was for you.

Tammy Gilley said...

Great job. Your on your way. I don't know why you would be afraid of writing in front of your students. You are writing wonderfully on this blog. Keep it up!

Travelin' Tim said...

Way to be brave and try shared writing again! Your poetry was great! Keep up the great work!